"The Cabin", 29 Rufford St, Bradford, BD3 8AX

Community Garden

PASS created a community space with the aim of educating and bringing people together.

The Community Garden is an ongoing project following acquisition and clearance of disused land adjacent to Attock Park. It’s primary purpose is to provide the opportunity for an extremely diverse ethnic and faith community to come together and develop meaningful relationships. The activities offered, in our journey towards creating a community garden, provide the required catalyst for learning, conversation and fun.

The space also provides the perfect facility to teach young people about environmental issues, self sustainable and healthy living.

With support from Yorkshire Water, who have provided a 100 Tonnes of topsoil, a landscaping project has recently been undertaken to transform an area into a viable growing space.

The Community Garden will provide an open access  space for individuals, groups and families to utilise. There’s always room for people to get involved. Get in touch with Amjid on Bash on 07718998749.

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